The Hooksett Soccer Club is a 501(c)3 organization and has been supporting youth soccer in our community for many years. We are a volunteer run, nonprofit organization to help kids play soccer in Hooksett and surrounding communities. We are committed to promoting sportsmanship, teamwork, and community engagement. By being a sponsoring organization, your company will not only be supporting our athletes but also gaining exposure and recognition within our local community.
There are roughly 750 youth involved in our program annually. We are proud to say that 100% of the monies raised will be used for covering various expenses associated with our teams, including but not limited to:
Purchasing equipment and uniforms
Field and facility maintenance
Helping keep soccer affordable for families and providing opportunities to low income families
Paying our local referees and officials - typically high school students getting their first work opportunity
Team Jersey Sponsorship [1 season- $250 ; Full Year- $450]
Your companies logo on a rec teams jersey for a single season or a full year (Spring '25 & Fall '25)
3 Year Banner Sponsor [$400]
A 3'x6' banner for your company will be displayed at the Petersbrook Fields fence for 3 years
1 Year Full League Sleeve Sponsor [$1,000]
Your companies logo on the sleeve of all our Rec team jerseys (over 300 shirts) for Spring '25 & Fall '25
Field Sponsor- 1 year [$200]
Your companies name will be displayed on our field # signs (5 fields available)
Mini Golf Hole Sponsor [$200]
Sponsor a hole at our 1st annual mini golf tournament to he held at Chucksters in Hooksett (May 2025)
All-Star Tournament Sponsor [$1,250]Your companies name and logo will be on all the All-Star jerseys (approx. 80 jerseys)
Our All-Star Tournament is held at the end of our
Fall soccer season and consists of 6 teams in 3 divisions (Grades 1/2, Grades 3/4 & Grade 5-8)
Other sponsorship opportunities may be available.
Please reach out to us to tailor sponsorship opportunities that best fits your business.
REACH OUT TO [email protected]
SPONSORSHIP FORM CAN BE FOUND HERE- hscsponsorformspring25.pdf